Sunday, January 07, 2007

Shout It in the Streets (portions taken from the book of Proverbs)

You say issues are black and white, wrong and right,
but despite these claims,
I think I'll stay in the gray where you have to ask questions,
think, and learn how to pray about issues in politics and what's okay.

I'll pray for wisdom and understanding like in Proverbs 1:2,
and when I get some, you know what I'll do?
I'll shout it in the streets until I turn black and blue.

How long will you fools hate knowledge and the pursuit of truth?
No questions even asked before leaving the voter's booth.
Casting votes based on your parents' and pastor's beliefs,
allowing a politician to steal your vote like a thief
because you didn't stop to think.

You say, "But I'm a Christian, I don't have much of a choice.
If I vote democrat then I've lost my voice and become pro-choice?"
No. Christians, you have it all wrong and your reasoning
is why this thinking as gone on so long.

You say, "If you support the Democrats you also support abortion,"
but your only listening to a portion of the issue.
Somewhere in your thinking there lies some distortion.
Even if abortion became illegalized, this is what you must realize,
laws don't change hearts, God does and we also play a part.
Women will always kill unwanted children,
it's just the nature of the heart,
but instead of by a doctor, they'll be performed like before,
by deadbeats with coat hangers in back alley streets.

Stop thinking that you will save the nation from eternal damnation
by voting for someone because they came and spoke to your congregation.
Your faith-based agenda will not save anyone.
Souls will be saved when you walk with Christ and share his Word head-on.

Get wisdom, get understanding, don't forget what your told.
It's more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold.
Sometimes I have to agree, it might be better not to see,
but if your blind, than you can't be free.


Blogger Unknown said...

Still reading the site. I like the poems. What is it that inspired this one? I must say that your poem on loneliness was very poignant! Just thuoght I'd say that I still check to see if the muse has called upon you. Do you have any poets you rate highly?

11:07 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Tried to leave you a comment but it didn't work. So you get this shorter one. Still enjoying your work.

11:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jen. Seriously, this is incredible. You are so talented. You have been blessed with an incredible gift and voice!

4:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love this poem. I totally agree. Good work are insanely talented.

6:51 PM  

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