Wednesday, September 13, 2006

A Dorm Room Afternoon

He was back from summer vacation.
The time away put a strain on our relationship.
He looked older with his thick beard,
and his long blonde hair, a contrast to his darker skin.
I tried to look my best wearing a new shirt
and displaying a new tan, hoping he might think
he was lucky to have me.

We both had smiles on our faces as I walked
towards him. We were hesitant,
not knowing quite what to do. He spread
his arms out slowly, I rushed
to get inside of them to lessen the awkwardness.
His mustache tickled my lip, he told me
he would shave it if I wanted him to.

The dorm room looked cluttered, with all the bar-coded furniture
sitting in the center of the room. We laid down
on his blue sheets, where we would spend the day.
The hum of the window unit
seemed to put us both at ease. His clammy hands
kept touching my legs. He told me
he liked it when I wore skirts,
trying not to reveal what he was really thinking.

He pulled me in, his scent
strong from the summer heat. I moved
my head to his chest, my hand slid
under his shirt to feel his cool skin.
Rolling over, we looked at the brown stains
on the ceiling as if they were stars.
I had all day with him,
but I already missed his face.
I wanted to tell him I loved him, though I knew
it would go unsaid.


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